Making Financial Assistance More Accessible For



SAFARI gives you the freedom to request for fund, make quick and easy payments, earn money, spend smart, and save more.

Do more with Safari


Choose your Safari mode, enter an amount, supply your guarantor’s email & submit.


Guarantor approves safari for disbursement

Receive your funds

Get the money (Safari) in your bank account within 24 hours, once your Safari is approved

Safari Mode

Safari Lite

This is a funded package designed for our eligible Ajo Thrift Savings clients who need funds to settle their immediate needs urgently.

This funded package comes with its features itemized below.

  1. The interest rate on Safari Lite is 5% int. payable within 30 days.
  2. Repayment tenor is 30 days.
  3. The maximum value our eligible client can have access to is 50% of Thrift savers fund with Ajo Thrift Savings as at the time of the request.
  4. A guarantor (who is currently a client of Ajo Thrift Savings and maintains an active account with Ajo Thrift Savings) from the Thrift saver is needed to approve the applicant’s Safari lite before disbursement.


  1. Safarists (Safari lite applicants) earn a cashback of 2% of Safari lite disbursed to him while such cashback is withdrawable every 20th of January of the year.
  2. Guarantors earn a cashback of 1% of Safari lite disbursed to him while such cashback is withdrawable every 20th of January of the year.

Safari Prime

This is a funded package designed for our eligible Ajo Thrift Savings clients who need funds to settle their immediate needs urgently.

This funded package comes with its features itemized below.

  1. The interest rate on Safari prime is 7% int. payable within 60 days.
  2. Repayment tenor is 60 days.
  3. The maximum value our eligible client can have access to is 80% of Thrift savers fund with Ajo Thrift Savings as at the time of the request.
  4. A guarantor (who is currently a client of Ajo Thrift Savings and maintains an active account with Ajo Thrift Savings) from the Thrift saver is needed to approve the applicant’s Safari lite before disbursement.


  1. Safarists (Safari prime applicants) earn a cashback of 3% of Safari lite disbursed to him while such cashback is withdrawable every 20th of January of the year.
  2. Guarantors earn a cashback of 1.5% of Safari prime disbursed to him while such cashback is withdrawable every 20th of January of the year.

Safari Major

This is a funded package designed for our eligible Ajo Thrift Savings clients who need funds to settle their immediate needs urgently.

This funded package comes with its features itemized below.

  1. The interest rate on Safari Lite is 9% int. payable within 6 months.
  1. The repayment tenor is 6 months.
  2. The maximum value our eligible client can have access to is 80% of Thrift savers fund with Ajo Thrift Savings as at the time of the request.
  3. A guarantor (who is currently a client of Ajo Thrift Savings and maintains an active account with Ajo Thrift Savings) from the Thrift saver is needed to approve the applicant’s Safari lite before disbursement.


  1. Safarists (Safari major applicants) earn a cashback of 0.5% of Safari major disbursed to him while such cashback is withdrawable every 20th of January of the year.
  2. Guarantors earn a cashback of 6% of the amount guaranteed to the safarist while such cashback is withdrawable every 20th of January of the year.

Who can be your Guarantor

  1. A Thrift saver; a Thrift saver is an Ajo Thrift Savings client who runs a Monthly Thrift savings plan.
  2. A Fix Thrift Deposit client.
  3. Ajo Kiko client whose Kiko plan has matured but yet to withdraw.

Who is not qualified to be your Guarantor

  1. Client on Ajo Kiko plan whose Kiko fund is yet to mature for withdrawal.
  2. Thrift savers who do not have 50% of what the Safarist applied for as Safari.

How to locate a Guarantor;

  1. Your friends who satisfy the guarantor’s qualification above on our Ajo Thrift Savings platform.
  2. There is a guarantor’s group in our community on our portal where pools of guarantor could be discovered to help guarantee your proposed Safari.

Process of obtaining Safari with the aid of Guarantor

  1. You cannot obtain Safari Mayor unless you have obtained Safari lite and Safari Prime while such fund has been paid back. This is to ensure that you establish a good credit relationship not only with Ajo Thrift Savings but your Guarantor before proceeding for Safari major.
