Ajo Thrift Savings Plan

Daily Thrift to earn your fund on a monthly basis:
- Save any amount above N500 on a daily basis to earn monthly.
- The minimum amount to save on a daily basis is N500.
- You get an email alert on all your deposit made on your contributory fund.
- You have access to your contributory web portal for your statement of account.
- Your fund is automatically locked up Immediately after you start the daily contribution which means you will not be able to withdraw until the end of the month.
- Your account will automatically be credited at the end of the month with the total sum saved within the month less the N1000 administrative fee.
Weekly Thrift to earn your fund every end of the month
- Save any amount above N2000 on a weekly basis to earn monthly.
- The minimum amount to save on a daily basis is N2000.
- You get an email alert on all your deposit made on your contributory fund.
- You have access to your contributory web portal for your statement of account.
- Your fund is automatically locked up Immediately after you start the daily contribution which means you will not be able to withdraw until the end of the month.
- Your account will automatically be credited at the end of the month with the total sum saved within the month less the N1000 administrative fee.

Monthly thrift to earn your fund every 6th month
- Save a fixed amount at the end of every month
- The minimum amount to save on a monthly basis is N2,000.
- You will be charged N500 as a default fee whenever you are unable to meet up with your monthly contribution.
- Your account will automatically be credited at the end of the 6thmonth with the total sum saved within the months.
- You get an email alert on all your deposit made on your contributory fund.
- You have access to your contributory web portal for your statement of account.
- Your fund is automatically locked up Immediately after you start the monthly contribution which means you will not be able to withdraw until the end of the 6th month.
- You get 0.5% to 2% interest on your savings on monthly basis.

Monthly thrift to earn your fund every end of the year
- Save a fixed amount at the end of every month
- The minimum amount to save on a monthly basis is N2,000.
- Your account will automatically be credited every December 20thwith the total sum saved within the months.
- You get an email alert on all your deposit made on your contributory fund.
- You have access to your contributory web portal for your statement of account.
- Your fund is automatically locked up Immediately after you start the monthly contribution which means you will not be able to withdraw until the 20thof December.
- You get 0.5% to 2% interest on your savings on monthly basis.