Collection Account

Collection Account

Important Notice
  1. Collection account is an account where a company enlist their account with us to receive funds on behalf of their client while we do a timely report to such company on a weekly basis and credit such company at the end of the month.
  2. Our collection account saves you the stress of follow-up with your client and ensures you have a good database of your cash inflow.
  3. As an applicant, you don’t have access to withdraw cash deposited with us.
  4. Your deposits will be moved to your company’s account with us every end of the month.
  5. Information submitted on this platform will be used as timely reminders for payment.
  6. A report is generated to your company on a weekly basis on funds received from you for reconciliation and follow-up with you.
  7. We assure you of our best professional service.
  8. To enlist your company on our collection portal please send us a mail:
